Got a haricut xD
Saturday, September 20, 2008
blogged @ 9:45 PM
Yay! today i got my hair cut. i wanted it to look like
agnes' but it ended up a little different. I think it's
becos of the way the guy cut it. My hair is
qiao qiao one. Ha. Anyway, while getting my hair cut, they played a movie, Money no enough 2. damn funny. the mother asked the kept asking the son if he had eaten again and again. I was like trying hard not to laugh just in case my hair
accidentally kenna cut wrongly. but the guy was laughing also, so he stopped a while.
HAH. So cute
xP he quite
shuai leh! then every time he try to check the side of my hair same length
anot he'll like look at me straight, not from the mirror.
haha, crazy about
shuai ges xD
No more chicken pox!
Friday, September 19, 2008
blogged @ 9:24 AM
No more chicken pox. I'm 100% okay! Actually i could have gone to school today but i
didnt want to. Cos i still have some scabs and scared you all avoid me. See la, all your fault.
Yesterday Agnes and Kristine came over and visited me :D Actually they have motive one. They came over so that i could help Kristine with her art project -__-" Mean right.
Haha, but it was fun. Her theme was about cockroaches. So we made 1 big and 3 small ones.
Didnt get to complete totally but we finished 60% of it :) not bad.
And oh ya, Agnes cut her hair! So
cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!! I also want!!! so she promised to bring me
tmr! We're going to have the same
Hahaha. But
i'll look better.
WAHAHA :P kidding. Agnes! you looked damn cute. Muck :D
short and simple.
Chicken pox -stay at home day 10
Thursday, September 18, 2008
blogged @ 9:17 AM
I had a nightmare last night, too many worries. But this one has NOTHING to do with any of my probs.
I dreamt that i was like a few weeks pregnant -__-" Twins summore (I donno how i found out about this). Haha, so funny. I went to a ear piercing shop and found out about the gender of the babies, 2 girls. I think i named 1 of them Denise.
Then i had another dream. I wasn't pregnant anymore, but my cousin was. (Not so clear, kinda forgot a little) We were playing poker in a room then suddenly my another cousin said, "wait, i have to check on the baby." She rushed out of the room. I just sat on the bed waiting. Then donno why, the pregnant cousin and i looked at each other then we also rushed out of the room.
Donno how, we ended up on a deserted road with a van behind us. The road was in between the field and we were standing under a street lamp. Everyone was wearing clothes that belonged to the 70s? Anyway, 1 pontianak (lets call her pom) pop out then cornered my cousins and one of their husband. Cousin 1 tried to hide her 1 yr old son under her shirt and cousin 2 was so frightened that she squatted there holding her stomach and just cried. Her husband was trying to comfort the wife and shoo-ing the pom. She was about to attack them. It scared the hell out of me.
Then again change scene. I was in my my room, at night again with the same situation. It's like we just changed the place but the pom was still there trying to attack my cousins. They were at the entrance of my room. I was on my bed and seriously, i didn't want to do anything cos i was afraid. But then sit there and watch them getting attacked also cannot what, i mean have to try and help right? I am amazed that even in dreams i can still reason out things. So i walk near to the pom lorh. Then she screamed, "Don't come any nearer unless you want to die with them!" Wakao -__- Scary. Anyway, i didnt listen and i tried to switch on the lights in my room. I though maybe poms are afraid of the light. I couldn't reach it. And....
I woke up. Haha. My whole body was numbed, especially my legs. So you see? I didnt get to sleep well at all. I remembered that poms are afraid of sharp objects so i was trying to think of what sharp objects do i have in my room, and i thought of the thumb tacks. Small but i have a lot. (this part is STUPID) i tried to sleep again and then dream of that dream and i wanted to help my cousins by attacking the pom with the thumb tacks. Haha, my bravery. LOLS. but i couldn't sleep. So i didnt get my chance. Hiyo. If only i had thought about it earlier. Anyway i hope that these weird dreams are not true.
Now, it's time for QNS and ANS!#1. What are you doing now?
-Blogging #2. Why? (stupid qns)
-#3. What do you intend to do later?
-Study and eat.#4. Why?
-Cos exams are near.#5. How are you feeling?
-Nothing#6. Are you missing anyone (like their faces/behaviour/irritating-ness)?
-No.#7. Why?
-Donno#8. What subjects are you going to miss?
-Lazy to check.#9. Any smses from ppl who are concerned about your absence?
-No.#10. Hehe, what did they say?
-NIL#11. Anything else you want to say?
-I had a scary dream.
#12. ANY LAST WORDS? (Before you publish this post.)
Chicken pox -stay at home day 9
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
blogged @ 9:35 AM
What are your current fears?I'm afraid of school. It's stupid but it's true especially when you've been at home for 9 damn days, missing out on everything. You won't be sure when you go back to school if your friends will still treat you the same.
This is how i imagine school life will be after i recover:
(Compo style! Haha.)
I want to see my friends but i'm afraid that they wouldn't recognise me after 2 weeks. Maybe they won't even like me now, or they've never liked me. So nervously i walked towards my classroom. Besides the sound of the raindrops crashing into the ground, i could hear the usual chatters and shrills of laughter. Yep, that's my class alright. Always so high in the morning. Maybe they haven't changed, maybe it's still the same. So full of maybes, i stood at the entrance of the class, waiting for someone to say "Hi!" or give me a warm welcome back. Everyone had stopped what they were doing and there was dead silence. They were all staring at me. Why? Are they too surprise to see me? Or was is the other way round?
I glanced at my bestfriends, they too were staring at me. Their stares were icy cold, no longer laughing like what it used to be. Why? I felt a lump in my throat. Holding back my tears, i walked towards my seat confidently. There's someone in my seat. Great! First my friends, now my seat.
Feeling angry and sad at the same time, i looked straight into his eyes and mumbled, "Fine, take it. Take everything i have." I moved towards the back of the class where there was an empty seat at a corner. Taking my place, i looked around again. Everyone had gone back what they had been doing.
There's Gerald, he wouldn't ignore me, he's always nice. With that feeling of 'there's hope after all!' i greeted Gerald with a small smile, "Hi Gerald!"
He gave me an irritated look and went back to his reading. Did i do something that offended someone? Idk, but it seems like the class dislikes me a lot. Maybe it's just that i've never noticed it before, but what IS their real usual self? Moody, thinking about how to get rid of me?
Lessons wasn't any better. i didn't even understand a single words the teachers were saying and whenever they looked at me, they had they same cold stare. It was like a world full of hatred (for Grace) and they showed to love or concern to each other.
Anyway, yesterday Shu yi, Amanda and Shirley visited me :D Shirley can earlier and helped me with my chinese ws. And then we talked and played audi. Amanda and Shu yi came at 6.00 and left at 6.10
Too many problems, so i've decided to give up on everything. Everything means guys and maybe afew frens.
To the guys i'm talking about:(andy) If you're going to ignore me in school for the rest of your life then I'M DAMN OKAY WITH IT! I tried talking to you but you just pretended that i didn't exist! Stupid. I'm not talking to you. And i hate you like how much i hate school and like how Daffy duck hates Bugs bunny. You're most probably why i hate school. ARGH!!!!!
(umm..)Not your fault, i'm like that.
And to the frens i'm talking about: Shit you.
Now, it's time for QNS and ANS!#1. What are you doing now?
-Blogging #2. Why? (stupid qns)
-#3. What do you intend to do later?
-Study and eat.#4. Why?
-Cos i want to make my parent proud of me.#5. How are you feeling?
-Angry, pissed, sad, afraid#6. Are you missing anyone (like their faces/behaviour/irritating-ness)?
-No. Maybe i'm not going to miss anyone anymore.#7. Why?
-Cos.. idk, maybe it's cos my imagination seems too real.#8. What subjects are you going to miss?
-POA#9. Any smses from ppl who are concerned about your absence?
-Nope, not today. But in total i got smses from Agnes, Juo Yan, Shirley, Ryan, Jun Yan, Gu Xie, Siti, one unknown person.#10. Hehe, what did they say?
-I don want answer lehhhh.#11. Anything else you want to say?
-Donno. i have a lot ot say but then bu fang bian shuo.#12. ANY LAST WORDS? (Before you publish this post.)
don want to go back to school :( Scared you all bully me then don fren me then i'll be lonely in school, and i'll be left out, and i'll b sad then i'll cry and commit suicide. Then it'll be your fault. Actually, it sounds like a damn good idea to sabo those that i hate. I can write a letter why i commit suicide then i go die. Then when you all read the letter you'll be guilty forever. Muaha. Not bad, not bad.
Chicken pox -stay at home day 8
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
blogged @ 10:26 AM
I tried asking her again. Same answer. The problem is not with "my father in Singapore so he's fetching me to school" The thing is you cannot u-turn here for just 1 minute meh?
Most probably this will be what she'd say:
"What for? just for you? No way."YES, JUST FOR ME."Crazy, why would i want to waste patrol and time just to help you collect homework?"COS WE'RE FRIENDS! THAT'S WHAT WE DO FOR EACH OTHER. SACRIFICE A LITTLE! "Have you done anything for me?"Ya, but if you're so calculative, then i think we shld forget itI sound like my cousin. HahaGet the point?
No, the point is not that grace sounds like her cousin!
Now, it's time for QNS and ANS!#1. What are you doing now?
-Blogging#2. Why? (See? I'm getting rid of this qns by not answering! Yipee >.>)
-#3. What do you intend to do later?
-Audition and homework!#4. Why?
-Cos it's fun. Eh, i didnt know that audi got x2 den lorh. I mean like x2 den for FREE. i nvr buy the whatever.#5. How are you feeling?
-Happy, YIPEE. Chicken pox is history!#6. Are you missing anyone (like their faces/behaviour/irritating-ness)?
-Shirley.#7. Why?
-She say she'll try to visit me today. So i'm very excited :D:D:D Haha.#8. What subjects are you going to miss?
-Math and AS AGAIN!!!!#9. Any smses from ppl who are concerned about your absence?
-WAHAHAHA. HAVE!#10. Hehe, what did they say?
-BUT I'M NOT TELLING YOU. I'm not sharing. Wahahahahahhaa.#11. Anything else you want to say?
-I did, but i forgot. -__-#12. ANY LAST WORDS? (Before you publish this post.)
-Ya. See, so i'm not at fault right? She's not at fault either. I blame the friendship. Not strong. And maybe my stupidity too. WTH DID I SEE IN HER?
Chicken pox -stay at home day 7
Monday, September 15, 2008
blogged @ 10:43 AM

OK, monday.
Yesterday someone delivered my homework and forgot her yellow file. I wonder if it contained anything important. Anyway i asked EL if she can meet me so that she can pass it to agnes.
She said (sms): My father fetching me.. i not passing by your hse.. sorry.. TT
Her hse is like just across the street. **I didn't say anything.** Anyway she's not doing me a favour, she's doing agnes a favour.
Now, it's time for QNS and ANS!
#1. What are you doing now?
#2. Why?
-Cos that's what i've been doing for the past 6 days. I think this is a very stupid question. i shld just remove it the next time.
#3. What do you intend to do later?
-Complete my homework
#4. Why?
-So that i can get it marked.
#5. How are you feeling?
-Happy, not moody.
#6. Are you missing anyone (like their faces/behaviour/irritating-ness)?
-Jun yan
#7. Why?
-Cos i didnt talk to him.
#8. What subjects are you going to miss?
-PE. I want to run and jump!
#9. Any smses from ppl who are concerned about your absence?
-Shirley! :D:D:D
#10. Hehe, what did they say?
-Shirley: ..(other stuff).. Oh ya you chicken pox how??
-me: ..(other stuff).. It's better already :) no more red blisters. Recovering :D Missed me?
-Shirley: misse you :d the atmosphere different without you :d
-me: (Not exactly what i said) I AM SO TOUCHED!!
#11. Anything else you want to say?
-MIA for another 6 days!
#12. ANY LAST WORDS? (Before you publish this post.)
-Muck :D I love my class' unity in eating. Haha.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
blogged @ 9:12 AM

7 more days to go! Chicken Pox 7 days old! Hey, it rhymes. Haha. So on Sunday, you're suppose to rest right? NO. Agnes is coming with my pile of homework. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Btw, i memorized two verses :D
Proverbs 1:7-9
Um.. i forgot the beginning. BUT i remembered verses 8 and 9 :D
Listen, my son, to your father's instructions and do not forsake your mother's teachings. They will be the garland that grace your head and chain that adorn your neck.
Gimme a Break!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
blogged @ 4:04 PM

What? Did you expect me to blog about chicken pox? I think most of you got sick of it already. So today i'm going to tell about.. What i did today! :D it's sooo interesting, right? HA.
What i did today:
And edited a pic.
End. Yay!
Btw, that triangular rice thing up there, i did it yesterday! Muahahha! And i edited it today! Muahahaha!
Muahaha, it's nice to be happy. Or crazy. Muahahahahahahahaha. I even bothered to capitalise the beginning of each alphabet of the word of the sentence.
... ... ...
Is it correct?
... ... ...
Chicken pox -stay at home day 4
Friday, September 12, 2008
blogged @ 11:28 AM
PAINNN! Nvm, at least it's better than itchy. Last night was the beeeeest night. I didn't even wake up once. So shuang :D
Now, it's time for QNS and ANS!#1. What are you doing now?
-Blogging and eating :D#2. Why?
-Becos it's lunch time and .. nvm.#3. What do you intend to do later?
-Donno, i don want to study! #4. Why?
-Lazy la! I want to sleep.#5. How are you feeling?
-Sleepy.#6. Are you missing anyone (like their faces/behaviour/irritating-ness)?
-YES! i miss my uniform, my table, my chair, the small fry (Alasdair) that blocks my view everyday, Hafeez's "WHAT?!", Wei Jie's never-bring-anything-to-school habit, Ryan's eyebrows, Andy's jokes, Agnes' 'black' face and random high-ness, Kristine's blur look,Amanda's naked mole rat's skin, Shirley's laughs, Siti's stapler, Shu Yi's whining (amazing),The class' 'UNITY'
#7. Why?
-Uniform, table & chair: Cos that's where i drool when the teachers are teaching. HAHA, kidding. Cos used to it ma.
Alasdair: Only borrows correction tape during POA lessons.
Hafeez: Irritating but i'm missing it.
Wei Jie: Sitting beside me ma! Irritating summore.
Ryan: he shaves his eyebrows. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (eh, cannot angry hor,i only promised not to say anything about ur head.)
Andy's jokes: he can make any lesson funny.
Agnes: BestFriend, so naturally will miss her la.
Kristine: Innocent look.Amanda: I miss her pokey skin :D
Shirley: Funny laughs.
Siti: I always borrow stapler from her, so i miss the stapler more than her ;)
Shu Yi: Wah, this one is crazy. @_____@
The class: Shit the class! :P the other time ask you all bring snacks/drinks for teacher's day thing then complain complain complain! Never help out de lorh. then on teacher's day it was the first time i saw UNITY.. IN EATING!! ">.>
#8. What subjects are you going to miss?
#9. Any smses from ppl who are concerned about your absence?
-Ya. Ryan.
#10. Hehe, what did they say?
-Ryan: Hi meimei! are you feeling better?
#11. Anything else you want to say?
-9 more days.
#12. ANY LAST WORDS? (Before you publish this post.)
-Unity in eating.. (*breaths in slowly*) It's okay.. It's a good start. (自己骗自己)
-I think i'd rather wake up at 5 everyday and study study study, no break, tons of homework, lack of sleep, than have chicken pox. Really.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
blogged @ 11:44 AM
Ladies Night ClubThe other day, my friends and I went to a "Ladies Night Club."One of the girls wanted to impress the rest of us, so she pulled out a $10 bill. When the male dancer came over to us, my friend licked the $10 bill and stuck it to his butt cheek.Not to be outdone, another friend pulls out a $20 bill. She calls the guy back over, licks the $20 bill, and sticks it to his other butt cheek.In another attempt to impress the rest of us, my third friend pulls out a $50 bill and calls the guy over, and licks the bill. I'm worried about the way things are going, but fortunately she just stuck it to one of his butt cheeks, again.My relief was short lived. Seeing the way things are going, the guy gyrates over to me! Now every one's attention is focused on me, and the guy's egging me on to try to top the $50.What could I do? Then the marketer in me took over! I got out my ATM card, swiped it down the crack of his ass, grabbed the 80 bucks, and went home.
Pay AttentionFirst-year students at a Medical School were receiving their first anatomy class with a real dead human body. They all gathered around the
surgery table with the body covered with a white sheet.The professor started the class by telling them, "In medicine, it is necessary to have 2 important qualities as a doctor. The first is that you are not disgusted by anything involving the human body." For an example, the professor pulled back the sheet, stuck his finger in the butt of the corpse, withdrew it and stuck it in his mouth. "Go ahead and do the same thing," he told his students.The students freaked out, hesitated for several minutes, but eventually took turns sticking a finger in the butt of the dead body and sucking on it.When everyone finished, the Professor looked at them calmly and told them, "The second most important quality is observation. I stuck in my middle finger and sucked on my index finger. Now learn to pay attention...."
Sherlock Holmes and Dr WatsonSherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went on a camping trip. After a good meal and a bottle of wine, they lay down for the night and went to sleep.Some hours later, Holmes awoke and nudged his faithful friend."Watson, look up and tell me what you see."Watson replied, "I see millions and millions of stars.""What does that tell you?"Watson pondered for a minute. "Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo.Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three.Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful and that we are small and insignificant.Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. Why, what does it tell YOU?" Holmes was silent for a minute, then spoke."
Watson, you idiot. Some jerk has stolen our tent."
FiretruckA first-grade teacher, Ms. Brooks, was having trouble with one of her students. The teacher asked, Harry, what's your problem?" Harry answered, "I'm too smart for the 1st grade. My sister is in the 3rd grade and I'm smarter than she is! I think I should be in the 3rd grade too!" Ms. Brooks had had enough. She took Harry to the Principal's office. While Harry waited in the outer office, the teacher explained to the principal what the situation was.The principal told Ms Brooks he would give the boy a test. If he failed to answer any of his questions he was to go back to the 1st grade and behave. She agreed. Harry was brought in and the conditions were explained to him and he agreed to take the test. Principal: "What is 3 x 3?"Harry: "9".Principal: "What is 6 x 6?"Harry: "36".And so it went with every question the principal thought a 3rd grader should know.The principal looks at Ms. Brooks and tells her,"I think Harry can go to the 3rd grade." Ms. Brooks says to the principal, "Let me ask him some questions." The principal and Harry both agreed. Ms. Brooks asks, "What does a cow have four of that I have only two of?" Harry, after a moment: "Legs." Ms. Brooks: "What is in your pants that you have but I do not have?" The principal wondered, why would she ask such a question! Harry replied: "Pockets." Ms. Brooks: "What does a dog do that a man steps into?"Harry: "Pants"Ms. Brooks: What's starts with a C, ends with! a T, is hairy, oval, delicious and contains thin, whitish liquid?Harry: "Coconut."The principal sat forward with his mouth hanging open. Ms. Brooks: "What goes in hard and pink then comes out soft and sticky?" The Principal's eyes opened really wide and before he could stop the answer.Harry: "Bubble gum"Ms. Brooks: "What does a man do standing up, a woman does sitting down and a dog does on three legs?" Harry: "Shake hands." The principal was trembling.Ms. Brooks: "What word starts with an 'F' and ends in 'K' that means a lot of heat and excitement?"Harry: "Firetruck"The principal breathed a sigh of relief and told the teacher, "Put Harry in the fifth-grade, I got the last even questions wrong......
So stupid and so beautifulA man said to his wife one day, "I don't know how you can be so stupid and so beautiful all at the same time. "The wife responded, "Allow me to explain. God made me beautiful so you would be attracted to me;God made me stupid so I would be attracted to you!
Who should brew he coffee (I think this is the funniest)A man and his wife were having an argument about who should brew the coffee each morning.The wife said, "You should do it, because you get up first, and then we don't have to wait as long to get our coffee."The husband said, " You are in charge of cooking around here and you should do it, because that is your job, and I can just wait for my coffee."Wife replies, "No, you should do it, and besides, it is in the Bible that the man should do the coffee."Husband replies, "I can't believe that, show me."So she fetched the Bible, and opened the New Testament and showed him at the top of several pages, that it indeed says....
"HEBREWS . . . .
Chicken pox -stay at home day 3
blogged @ 11:17 AM

Happy birthday to you.Happy birthday to you.Happy birthday to the poxessss... Happy birthday to you. 4 days old. *oh yipeee.* Tadahhh.. I'm in a better mood today. Yay. Most of the blisters are ready to pop but it's still not popping.
I was searching randomly surfing the net and i came across an article that said "You can't eat your Chicken Pox.. " HAHAHAHA.
So far i've got smses from Agnes, Siti, Juo yan, Gu xie, Ryan, Rei, Charmain.
Visitors: Agnes (ha.)And she made lunch/tea/break?
Now, it's time for QNS and ANS!
#1. What are you doing now?
#2. Why?
-(zhengyu) Cos you smelly. HAHA
#3. What do you intend to do later?
Read more jokes and post it.
#4. Why?
-Cos i think it's funny
#5. How are you feeling?
#6. Are you missing anyone (like their faces/behaviour/irritating-ness)?
-YES. (ahem)Agnes, shirley,kristine, amanda, siti.
#7. Why?
-Cos they're nice.
#8. What subjects are you going to miss?
-None today, they all suck.
#9. Any smses from ppl who are concerned about your absence?
#10. Hehe, what did they say?
#11. Anything else you want to say?
-Any get well soon card? Haha, i really miss my friends :(
#12. ANY LAST WORDS? (Before you publish this post.)
-You smelly. (it's only funny when they say it to zheng yu. Ha.)
Chicken Pox- stay at home day 2
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
blogged @ 8:52 AM
THIS SUCKS! It's like those fucking thing won't stop itching!! And it ruins my sleep, my mood. i woke up like 5 times last night cos it's painful and ichy. HURRY UP EXPLODE LA. GAAAAAAAAAAH.
Now, it's time for QNS and ANS!#1. What are you doing now?
-Blogging#2. Why?
-Donno#3. What do you intend to do later?
-.. Donno#4. Why?
-Donno#5. How are you feeling?
-Irritated#6. Are you missing anyone (like their faces/behaviour/irritating-ness)?
-No#7. Why?
-Donno #8. What subjects are you going to miss?
-POA#9. Any smses from ppl who are concerned about your absence?
-No#10. Hehe, what did they say?
-NIL#11. Anything else you want to say?
-No#12. ANY LAST WORDS? (Before you publish this post.)
-I'm in a baaaaaaaaaaaaaad mood
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
blogged @ 12:19 PM
In case your frustration level rises today, this is for everyone who occasionally has a really bad day when you just need to take it out on someone:
I was sitting at my desk when I remembered a telephone call that I had to make. I found the number and dialed it. A man answered nicely saying, "Hello?"
I politely said, "This is Patrick Hanifin and may I please speak to Robin Carter?" Suddenly the phone was slammed down on me! I couldn't believe that anyone could be that rude. I tracked down Robin's correct number and called her. She had transposed the last two digits.
After I hung up with Robin, I spotted the wrong number still lying on my desk. I decided to call it again. When the same person once more answered, I yelled, "You're a jackass!" and hung up. Next to his phone number I wrote the word "jackass" and put it in my desk drawer. Every couple of weeks when I was paying bills or had a really bad day, I'd call him up. He would answer and I'd yell, "You're a jackass!" It always cheered me up.
Later in the year the phone company introduced caller ID. This was a real disappointment for me. I would have to stop calling the jackass. Then one day I had an idea. I dialed his number and heard his voice. "Hello?"
I made up a name. "Hi. This is the sales office of the telephone company and I'm just calling to see if you're familiar with our new caller ID program." He answered, "No!" and slammed down the receiver. I quickly called him back and said, "That's because you're a jackass!"
The reason I'm taking the time to tell you this story is to show you how if there's ever anything bothering you, you can do something about it. Just dial 555-1212.
(Keep reading, it gets better.)
One day an old lady at the mall was really taking her time pulling out of her parking space. I didn't think she was ever going to leave. Finally, her car began to move ever so slowly and she began backing out. I backed up a little more to give her plenty of room. Great, I thought, she's finally leaving. All of a sudden this black Camero came flying up the parking aisle in the wrong direction and pulled into her space. I started honking my horn and yelling, "You can't do that, buddy! I was here first!"
The guy got out of his Camero completely ignoring me. He walked toward the mall as if he didn't even hear me. I thought to myself, this guy is a jackass. There sure are a lot of jackasses in this world. I noticed he had a "For Sale" sign in the back window of his car. I wrote down the number. Then I hunted for another place to park.
The next day I was at home sitting at my desk. I had just gotten off the phone after calling 555-1212 and yelling, "You're a jackass!"
(It's really easy to call him now since I have his number on speed dial.). Then I noticed the phone number of the guy with the black Camaro and decided to call him too. After a couple of rings someone answered the phone. I asked, "Are you the man with the black Camaro for sale?"
"Can you tell me where I can see it?"
"Yes, I live at 1802 West 34th Street. It's a yellow house and the car is parked right out front."
I asked, "What's your name?"
"My name is Don Hansen."
"When's a good time to catch you, Don?"
"I'm home in the evenings."
"Listen, Don, can I tell you something?"
"Don, you're a jackass!" And I slammed the phone down.
After I hung up I added Don's number to my speed dialer. Now I had two jackasses to call whenever I had a bad day. However this wasn't as much fun as it used to be. So I thought about it and came up with a solution.
First, I had my phone dial jackass #1. The man answered nicely and I yelled, "You're a jackass!" But I didn't hang up.
The jackass said, "Are you still there?"
I said, "Yeah."
He said, "Stop calling me."
I said, "No!"
He said, "What's your name, pal?"
I said, "Don Hansen."
He said, "Where do you live?"
"1802 West 34th Street. It's a yellow house and my black Camaro is parked out front."
"I'm coming over right now, Don. You'd better start saying your prayers."
"Yeah, like I'm really scared, Jackass!" And I hung up.
Then I called Jackass #2. He answered, "Hello."
I said, "Hello, jackass!"
He said, "If I ever find out who you are..."
"You'll what?"
"I'll kick your butt."
"Well, here's your chance. I'm coming over right now, jackass!"
And I hung up. Then I picked up the phone and called the police. I told them I was at 1802 West 34th Street and that I was going to kill my gay lover as soon as he got home. Another quick call to Channel 13 news about the gang war going down on West 34th Street. After that I climbed into my car and headed over to 34th Street to watch the whole thing. Glorious!
I watched two jackasses kicking the crap out of each other in front of 6 squad cars and a police helicopter I also taped it off the evening news!
(joke from
Chicken pox -stay at home day 1
blogged @ 8:57 AM
My poxies are 2 days old. Stupid, having it at 15. So old. Usually ppl have chicken pox when they are young. Hiyo. But at least i get to 'pen' it down and observe the poxies. HA! So far, i have a lot of red pao pao on my upper body. And this morning, pinkish dots on my face. It's disgusting and itchy! i have 2 weeks MC, so i'll be blogging about the poxies everyday. HAHAHAHAHA, so boring. But nvm, better than nth. 2 weeks MC, exams 3 weeks from now. -__-" I'll be missing my lessons, my friends and the class balcony :( Is anyone going to miss me? :D:D:D
Now, it's time for QNS and ANS!#1. What are you doing now?
-Blogging and thinking about watching 'Xia Xue's Guide to Life'.#2. Why?
-Becos i'm bored now. And i want to amuse myself.#3. What do you intend to do later?
-Study and eat.#4. Why?
-Cos i'll be missing lessons, so to make up for it, i need to SELF STUDY! And about the 'eat', i need to eat cos i need to eat.#5. How are you feeling?
-Uh, no feelings yet.#6. Are you missing anyone (like their faces/behaviour/irritating-ness)?
-No, not yet.#7. Why?
-It's only the first day! Haha#8. What subjects are you going to miss?
-Today i have Chem, MT, Hist, EMath, and AS. I'M GOING TO MISS AS!!! I WANT BACK MY RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#9. Any smses from ppl who are concerned about your absence?
-Haha, YES! Juo Yan and Siti :D So niceeee of them.#10. Hehe, what did they say?
-Juo Yan : Yo girl u y never come school? u okay not?-Siti: Gracey f0o.. Get well s0on. Gonna miss u! Miss me okie.. Haha!#11. Anything else you want to say?
-Uh.. No. but since i'm going to be MIA for 2 weeks, any 'Welcome Back, Grace! We Missed You A Lot!' party? HAHAHAHA! Kidding. Exams coming! 3e4, please study hard hor.#12. ANY LAST WORDS? (Before you publish this post.)
-Yes!! Those who nvr had chicken pox and
don't want it, please go for vaccination. But if you had chicken pox already, don't worry, the doc said that you wouldn't get it again.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
blogged @ 7:01 PM
i feel sick! i think it's becos i slept too much :P my brain is burning. i don want to go to school tmr!! i don want! i don want!
Xiao Qi Guis
Friday, September 5, 2008
blogged @ 8:12 PM
Girls have every right to be
xiao qi! cos we don't need to be MAN (*show some muscles*).
Guys who are petty are:
Boh Liao,
So if you're a guy/man/boy, you
shouldnt be
xiao qi cos it sucks and your friends will not like you cos being
xiao qi is
sucky and therefore you suck so they don't like you.
Wahahaha, not worth it right? So, little boys out there, if you have a friend who is
xiao qi, don't friend them! Let them rethink about their retarded, sissy, stupid,
boh liao, shit, useless, whatever behaviour. If they are still
xiao qi, whack them! Whack and whack and whack until you
Girls who are petty are:
Becos, we are GIRLS! yep! we
shld be the ones who are
xiao qi.
muahahah. If your bf is petty then you
shld just, as i said before, whack and whack and whack them. cos they deserve it.
i'm happy.
Whack those Xiao Qi Guys!Wahaha.
A lame-bored-nth-to-do post
blogged @ 2:14 PM
Me: You look stupid.
Me: -__-"
Me: Bloody stupid Moo.
Muahahahah, i was lame. Muahahahahah, wahahahaha, mohohohohoho, kekekekekeke.
What i'm doing now
blogged @ 8:51 AM
i'm eatting Yam and chicken PAO! and i accidently just ate the paper that's stuck to their butt! and then i spat it out. and then i'm chewing. and then i'm typing. and then i'm chewing. and then i stuffed half a yam pao into my mouth. and then i'm typing agian. and then i had a thought, "this is super lame." and then i stared at the screen. and then i had another thought,"what else shld i type?" and then i touched the mouse and click 'PUBLISH POST'.
What i know about my friends
Thursday, September 4, 2008
blogged @ 3:44 PM
Agnes: Likes Yamapi, treasures presents given to her, like guys older than her, shoe size 7, loves art, good at art and colouring/shading, dying to have the same things as her friends (keychain, bag, etc.), need to have mood for taking pictures, sometimes tries to act like yamapi!
Shirley: Likes a guy from NEWS (but i donno the name), listen mostly to Jap songs, has small feet and hands, good at Maths, maybe poa, likes to wear short skirts :D She doesnt bring a pencilbox/case to school (just the pens and pencils):)
Kristine: Likes Zheng Yu's company, easily irritated, falls in 'love' with guys EASILY (but only for awhile), fusses over her hair too much, blur sometimes, great secret keeper, she thinks that she's fat, doesnt act cute or zilian.
Rayson: Don't like girls, 70% of the times he begins his sms with "Haha", always sleeping, skips school, loves his mom, shoe size 7.5, thinks that he is a 'perfect' guy (as in bf guy), likes to nag at me, acts old and young at the same time, sucks at drawing and he tells LAME jokes.
Jun Yan: Sleeps very late and wakes up very late, a good listener, bad a drawing stick figures, likes a girl in another school :D:D Super scary when moody or angry.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
blogged @ 3:03 PM
its look ultra black. o.O"
random posts :D haha, cos i'm lame. eh wait, i'm not. i can walk! HAHA! lame-ness-es.
HA.oh ya, btw.. episode 3 of marshmallow tales is completed, like 2 months ago, but no time to scan! too bad. next time laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Yays (again)
blogged @ 3:01 PM
FINALLY! its complete. totally completed. yay. i love the melody. yay.
haha, crazy already.
Rei rei, your sms blog is D.E.A.D! dead!!!!
blogged @ 10:59 AM
Yay, made a new blogskin :D sorry jun yan, i know i still owe you smth. But you nvr give any ideas also, so i'm 'thinking'.
I can cook
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
blogged @ 7:25 PM
2 dishes: egg + green pepper + mushroom
Veggie + carrot + ginger
and rice with ginger.
not bad, i passed. graded by mom.