Ryan's joke
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
blogged @ 7:34 PM
Ryan: Shu yi! got car behind you. MOVE.
Agnes: why not ask her to stand still?
Ryan: I scared later the car got damage
Too bad jun yan doesnt find it funny, cos he heard it before -__-"
Exciting day
Monday, July 28, 2008
blogged @ 6:50 PM
Wah wah wah. So many things happened to day.
Morning: There was this fat guy near the tampines mrt. He said " excuse me..." then i stopped walking, then look at him. he laugh a bit like "hehehhehehe" lidat then say " can i be your friend?" i blank diao. then just walked away. That reminds me of smth. got one time i was going to church then i take to tenah merah, wait for train to expo. then got this FAT (again) guy, he wore white and greenish checked shirt and jeans. (i still rmb!! happened 2 yrs ago. about there) Then i was leaning against the so called wall a few metres away from him. He walk past me and then stand closer to me on my other side. i got irritated, so i just walked to the other end. He looked at me >.> Then train come liao, got in then saw that guy also walk into the same carriage as me. shit him. anyway, the later part abit lorsoh, so just skip it. in the end i shake him off by joining the crowd :D so smart. haha.
Then was P.E. Wah siao, 2.4 km! i did it in 15.38 mins :D Not bad, for me :D aiming for 10 mins :D impossible, but still can try la. haa.
Afternoon/Evening: I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! At first i was just like looking around then i saw this guy same uniform as me. look at his face. WAH!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! I saw Jie Wei!! :D He saw me looking. Then he kindda raised his eyebrows. >.> diao. lols, my heart really skipped a beat lorh. Just nice his bus lai liao, then, byebye! Lols, so shuai :D
I hate fat ppl.
Wah, fun, fun and more fun
Saturday, July 26, 2008
blogged @ 8:13 PM
Pai seh, the pics not in order :P

The grp after presentation

Me and Agnes; while looking for the table

Eastpoint; she couldnt help it.LOL

Amanda; on the bus to sg poly. preparations!

Another team! left to right: Kristin, Nabilah, Selvi, Judith

Kirstine; she's happy to be the 'mug' --"

HAHA!! i pasted these on selvi's back. And she didnt notice it :P

Lols, still so guai, sit there. HAHAH!

Our competitors! CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Still happy, before the presentation. Left to Right: Agnes, Me (with the cookie), Kristine, Amanda

No they are not crying. This is taken even before we reached Sg poly. they're just.. shy .__."

Wow, today is a saturday. I woke up at 6am just for that competition. Prepared for everything. Reached school at around 7.15am, did some last minute check with our ppt slides. Finally! It's time to gooooooooo!
Reached there at 8.30 plus, then prepare again. By 10.25, our turn. Wah, got to carry the mug and the cookie. During the presentation, i screwed up everything. I forgot my lines, even with the help of cue cards. I was like "er.. er.. um.." Then end of presentation. "Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit " Sorry team >.<>
Anyway, then the results came. 9 schools from our 'room' to be selected for the semi-finals. 8 schools revealed, last one. We were praying that our school will be in. "Tadah!" ... Shit the judges... Didnt get in. Disppointed, but not really that bad la. Cos at least don need to make any more preparations for the second round. Muahahah.
After that i went for lunch with agnes. Then we went to look for a study table for my room. Guess what, i eneded up buying a study table and a new bed. Lols. Um.. took some pictures there, at the shop. Also at singapore poly. Man man kan ba.
Yay, i can't wait for monday!! I am freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I rock more than you.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
blogged @ 2:14 PM
You are seriously too much lorh/ if its really nth, you don have to show/prove/hide it from me. you make it look like as though they are YOUR friends, and yours only >.> if you don want me to see, in the first place you shouldnt even go tho the website when i am there! then when i look at the pics, you close the whole window, then later you open it up again, and then you use ur hand to cover the web adress. lame right? you might as well don view it. >.>
Bleh :b
Sunday, July 20, 2008
blogged @ 8:55 PM
You guys are so.. *thinking* so.. such cowards! Whenever someone writes/post something nasty or not nice about you, you all nvr say anything de lorh. i can almost imagine V saying : "Got read grace's blog? She say bla bla bla about us. where got? we didnt even do that lorh. so guo fen!"" Then maybe someone else, can't think of anyone, will say :" Aya, don care her la. she and that agnes always like that one. " ._. just going to say this for fun (: if you all really think this way right, can please tell me? the very first reason i'm blogging it's becos i want to let you guys know how i feel without qing kou gao shu-ing you all (cos i can't do it).
so please, just like what you would do if i said smth nice about you,
TAG!!!! If not fang bian to tag then sms, email, pm me also can. Thats one of the reasons why they created handphones and computers. mmk, i'm done. ty, faithful readers. HAHA.Be yourself and you rock :D (not true for you. only me :D:D:D:D Muahahahahahahahah! )*
*i'm only kidding.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
blogged @ 8:32 PM
Muahaha, today i went to Ikea, Giant and Courts!
Ikea:I bought a (finally) message/notice board or whatever it's called. YAY!!! Now i have a prob cos i donno how to position my shits :x Oh ya, i just noticed that i donno how to spell 'how' cos i aways spell it 'who'! >.> i siao le. Muahahah. I also bought the finger puppets :D:D So cuuuuuute! Got monkey, reindeer, giraffe, panda, parrot, bear, elephant, lion, duck and FROG!!! wahahaha. I bought a green tree to hang all the little xmas card xD Not really a tree la, but donno how to explain. Nvm, remind me to post a pic of it :D
didnt buy anything from Giant and Courts. Seeeeeeeeee, i save money xD Jun yan, jealous? I save more than you. HAHAH!!
I rock, again
Thursday, July 17, 2008
blogged @ 7:31 PM
That's it, i'm just going to say it loud.
What would you do if your friend walks alone while you walk with i group of friends? I would walk with her.
It has been almost 1 week since i last went down for reccess, i got ignored because i ignore. Thats rather unfair right? I"m 1 alone and you guys are together. I don't know how to put it but from the way i see it, it's like as though you all don even like me at all lorh. I have a lot to say, but i don think it'll be ok to say it coooooooos it wouldnt sound nice. But nvm, i'm just going to be direct la. I just don't think that you are the type of friends that i want. So nvm, i kindda give up trying to fit in.
And E.L, i prefer you so much more when you were 'alone', cos you weren't that bossy. I'm saying this not because i'm jeolous but its just what i feel. You seriously love to rub salt into my wounds lorh. It's like you guys going out or smth and then i don't know anything cos no one thought of me, but its ok. Then you come and ask me:
EL: Eh later i going to watch movie with bla, bla, bla, bla and bla leh. You coming?
Me:What thing? I don't even know.
EL: OH! You DON'T know arh? Why? They nvr invite you meh? How can they do this?
*... Yeah, keep it up. The most i'll just commit suicide..*
Me: >____>
E.L: Oh, sorry sorry, i didnt mean it de. Really.. Don liddat la Grace, sorry la.
I don care liao, i'm taking a huuuuuuuuge saw and sawing off our ties/friendship with you all liao!! But i'm not taking you all as my enemies, just some group of people whom i've never met. Btw, I am going to hate ruji, yasuaki, kiko and frogot the other one. They will never appear in the comic anymore. Maybe i'll even stop drawing! But what's the point? Stop all these because of this? NO WAY! But seriously, i'm going to murder ruji. No funeral conducted ;) Lols.
I never fit in but i think i'm getting used to it le. That's something positive (:
All things are possible with God. (I got that from my cousin's msn nick. Haha.)
I rock ;)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
blogged @ 9:05 PM
Those who read me blog are stupid cos i don't update it :P
blogged @ 9:05 PM
Those who read me blog are stupid cos i don't update it :P
Friday, July 11, 2008
blogged @ 9:45 PM
Marshies are updated!!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
blogged @ 9:54 PM
Actually, i seriously don't see the point of posting it in the blog. Ma fan and no one reads it. Oh well, i guess i like the ma-faness. Haha.
I hate you people. Lols.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
blogged @ 7:20 PM
Tears can be held back but only the courageous will let it out (: my philosophy. Haha
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
blogged @ 7:20 PM
Don't judge me cos you ain't me.No, i'm not being emo by walking away. Its just me. I can't fit in and i NEVER try. What's the point? Once fitted in, i get squeezed out again. I'd rather be a loner.
I hate crowds, cos there's always 1 who gets left out. And i'm always that 1. No, no, no.. I'm not blaming any one of you, i don't usually do that. It's just that i'm too/very/super sensitive. I try to avoid hurting myself, but the more i try, the worse it becomes.
"But you've got Agnes what.."
Ya, i've got Agnes when there's no one else. Sorry Agnes, i'm just speaking my mind.
You complain that your friends 'pang seh' you, and the friendship gap is getting bigger/further/bigger/further. Yea, i understand how you feel. But when they talk to you, you simply forget that i even existed. You are simply contradicting yourself. So i should just forget about everything and just do it my way.
If it was not for God, i would have committed suicide a long long time ago. Don't worry, i've gotten used to being left out. Its the same everywhere i go. The problem is not with the people, its with me. Uncomfortable with strangers cos they don't know me yet and they LOVE to judge.
Ofcos i don't just complain, i say thank yous too. Thank God for friends who gets me in and out of trouble. Haha, that makes life exciting right?
I need friends who would
dance with me like we're retards,
laugh with me like we're freaks,
sing with me like we're on drugs.
haha, but hey-- we're having fun (:
But never mind the past, lets look forward to the future! I'M NEVER GOING TO SMILE!
I have feelings and i show it. You guys can't see cos you chose to ignore it.
Wow, you readers are actually getting to know me better! Whatever.
Reflection (:
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
blogged @ 1:19 PM
To: Mr Tan Juo Yan
Subject: Reflection(The email style)
I DON'T CARE!! I want to do it in the blog :P You don want your business cos the WHOLE GROUP will fail! Muahahah..
Ok, My reflection. Note: Please do not include words in the brackets '(..)'. Thank you. Btw, if you include them and i happen to see it, YOU ARE FUCKING DEAD MEAT.
(*Start Copying From Here Onwards*)
I chose that paragraph cause it's the very begining of the whole story (also cause i want to go first and get over with it!!). I want the listener's first impression of the story to be interesting and not boring (Thats a lie.). I had to be expressive and clear to get the listener's attention and to get them to continue to be interested.
I'm not sure if i had done that but i guess it all sounds the same when recorded :P Some of the words were difficult to pronounce so we had to search for the pronounciation at Dictionary.com (credits given!!)